A Nurse Manager Is Reviewing the Stages of Conflict Resolution


The highs and lows of leadership have one matter in common—people. Working with people is the about meaningful aspect of our jobs and, oftentimes, the toughest and most draining. Dealing with hard personalities is a part of every nurse leader'southward career. Similar many aspects of leadership, having a thoughtful and consistent arroyo can make all the difference. This article shares tips for finer navigating interpersonal disharmonize.

Impact of interpersonal conflict

Incivility in healthcare is well documented and may present in both overt and subtle ways.1-4 Unprofessional and disruptive deportment tin compromise patient safety, increase turnover and absence, and reduce joy in work.2,4 Common sources of conflict include passive-aggressive communication, clique behaviors, lateral or vertical assailment, and other types of incivility.5,half dozen

Consider the following negative behaviors:

  • defensiveness . Information technology'south human nature to deflect when we hear something negative about ourselves. Often, employees will try to steer disquisitional conversations to focus on someone else's shortcomings instead. Exist prepared with specifics that are hard to refute and calmly redirect by stating that this conversation is focused on the employee and how yous can assistance him or her improve. Remind employees that you're invested in their success and you owe it to them to share this information for the good of the team.
  • victim mentality . A team member may experience that he or she is beingness unfairly singled out or held to a college standard. You may hear comments such equally, "Y'all never told me I needed to exercise that" or "How come up other people aren't getting in problem for this?" Remind employees that personnel conversations are confidential and you can't comment on other interactions, only you're holding them to the same standard as everyone else and the expectation was clear.
  • passive aggressiveness . Face passive-aggressive communication as directly as possible such as, "I was disappointed to hear from your peers that you're upset about (policy, schedule, behavior standard, and so on). You lot didn't express those concerns to me. My expectation is that you communicate with me directly if y'all have a concern to bring forrad."
  • vertical aggression . Sometimes strong or experienced staff members will smashing new leaders. Address this head on and state your expectations such as, "I'g sensing that yous don't support some of the changes we demand to make. Your peers wait upwards to you lot and value your expertise. I'1000 counting on your support equally I learn about this department. I'll be looking to you to set the example for the behaviors and civilization we want to accept here and to follow policy so that others know information technology's the expectation."
  • bullying . If you lot have clear evidence that someone is being bullied, it needs to exist addressed right abroad. Be prepared with clear examples of deportment either taken or left undone, likewise equally the impact these actions had, how you lot look things to alter, and when you'll follow up.
  • the informer . Oft, functioning data is relayed past an employee's peer. This can put leaders in a hard spot, especially if it's nearly an issue that lacks objective bear witness. Unless information technology'due south an urgent patient safety matter, ask the team member to hold his or her peer accountable and aid with the scripting to do and so. If you hear the aforementioned data from more than one peer, information technology'south probably fourth dimension to talk to the employee yourself such as, "I'grand concerned almost what I've heard from several team members..."

These behaviors pose a challenge for even the most experienced nurse leader and can spread if non addressed effectively.7 Interpersonal conflict tin can critically hamper communication, leading to errors and patient harm.three,4 Despite the prevalence of incivility and interpersonal conflict, nurse leaders are challenged to recognize and address negative behaviors in a timely style.eight In addition, nurse leaders may unwittingly contribute to patterns of poor performance by non belongings employees to a consistent standard, making excuses for difficult employees and situations, and hoping that the trouble volition resolve itself.7

Dealing with disharmonize

Every nurse leader should develop a toolkit of consequent practices to approach difficult situations with clarity and conviction. Consider the post-obit tools for success.

First, be consistent . Are you lot confident that your squad knows your expectations? Are your expectations unspoken and implied, or have yous clarified them in team meetings, protocols, and published department norms? And tin can you honestly say you apply these expectations consistently and fairly across your team? You can potentially save yourself many uncomfortable conversations throughout the year by reviewing department norms at least annually during a team meeting. Include well-known, but often problematic, standards, such as apparel code, attendance, paid go out, behavior, and other norms. Spelling out what's expected besides gives you a clear frame of reference if you do need to address an outcome because you lot know when the employee was last reminded of the policy. Don't apologize for what'due south expected, and don't presume that information technology's already well understood. Convey to your team that yous feel they deserve to know exactly what'southward expected of them and have the run a risk to review the standards at least one time each year to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Beyond consistently setting expectations and following through, it's important that your team has an idea of what they can expect from your interactions with them. Have you ever worked for an unpredictable leader who was sometimes friendly and at other times angry? I've known nurses who were physically ill before a shift because they dreaded the interactions they might have with a leader who behaved erratically. Nothing discourages a team more than than a leader who'due south inconsistent in his or her behaviors and expectations. Earlier we tin can claiming others to improve, nosotros may need to do some self-reflection.

Keep the team in mind . Negative behaviors aren't just a drain on you lot as a leader, they also significantly affect your team. Engaged and high-performing employees find it discouraging to witness a coworker'south poor functioning go unchecked. If y'all desire to continue to build your team with people who intendance nearly their work and are genuinely invested in improving their workplace, it's essential to accost poor operation and negative attitudes.

Do you retrieve the feeling of anticipation before the department schedule comes out? Schedule publication is often a highly anticipated issue. Across seeing when they're scheduled, employees want to know with whom they'll exist working. We all know the feeling of relief when nosotros meet a trusted coworker coming to assist, or thwarting when information technology's someone who doesn't pull his or her weight. Team dynamics makes all the difference during a tough shift. Are there employees on your squad with whom no one wants to work? Are there sighs or heart rolling when yous state who's coming in to help? If and then, you lot owe it to the team to effigy out what's going on and address it. Teamwork and team dynamics take a very real impact on employee retention and patient safe. High-performing teams are more than probable to deliver solid clinical outcomes, have fewer lookout events, and lower turnover rates—all good reasons non to turn a blind centre to the employee with whom no one wants to piece of work.1,2,four

Become your mind (and heart) right . The best time to bargain with a personnel situation is the soonest you can do so both calmly and kindly. Before yous address a challenging employee, it'south vital to take the fourth dimension to ensure that you're in the right frame of listen. Refocus yourself on your purpose: You're hither to serve patients and staff. You're here to nurture individual employees and abound their talents. And y'all're hither to build a team that'southward connected to their mission and the people they serve. With your employee'due south best interest in mind, every difficult conversation should begin from this perspective.

If you're aroused, distracted, or rushed, the conversation won't be equally powerful or meaningful as it can be, and you gamble having an uncomfortable encounter that does more than harm than proficient. It'southward key to arroyo the interaction with a genuine desire to provide feedback that will enable the employee to better. Hold important conversations at a fourth dimension and place that demonstrates respect for the employee'southward privacy and allows you to minimize distractions and interruptions.

Convey worth and dignity . The employee in front of you is a professional with life experiences, grooming, talents, and skills. He or she wants to be respected every bit a valuable member of the team and wants y'all to recall that life outside of work isn't ever shine sailing. The employee may be balancing multiple demands, and there'southward more one side to every story y'all've heard. Just think, some employees accept never had the do good of working with a consistent and caring leader. And some employees take never worked with a leader courageous enough to call out negative behaviors and poor performance and look more from them.

When your words and demeanor convey to employees their worth and dignity in every interaction, you begin to build trust. And trust is the foundation for growth. None of us likes to be talked downwards to or treated indifferently. Each of us wants to experience seen, heard, and known every bit an private. Receiving feedback from someone who we know is invested in our success is different than existence corrected past someone we don't respect. You can detect positive and proactive ways to reinforce what's going well and right what isn't.

It's essential that your employees don't only hear from yous when something is wrong. Recognition is a powerful (and often underutilized) tool to build trust and convey what types of actions are valued on your squad. Phone call out positives in an email, a note to the employee's home, or a staff coming together—and be specific. Let them know what you lot saw or heard and how it positively impacted the team or their patients. Recognize them for additional steps to build professionalism, such every bit participating in a professional governance group or piece of work squad, releveling, or going dorsum to school. Remembering birthdays and service anniversaries is another fashion to let employees know that yous meet them as individuals and value the relationship you lot take with them.

Observe good for you boundaries . Another way nosotros convey worth and dignity to our employees is by observing healthy boundaries. We do this by respecting their choices every bit professionals and expecting that they'll participate in the needed positive change. In doing and so, we acknowledge that we tin't solely own their success. Remember that at that place's no amount of effort or angst on your part that will compensate for someone'southward unwillingness to alter. This was a difficult lesson for me to larn as a leader. I saw the potential in people and felt so disappointed when they were unwilling to change. When an employee entered the discipline process or left the organization, I often wondered what I could've done meliorate and blamed myself when information technology didn't work out. Equally much as we intendance, we tin can't brand people change and allowing them to avoid the consequences of their behaviors is a form of enabling that doesn't serve anyone well.

Nurses are notoriously caring and many of us accept helper personalities that make good for you boundaries more challenging to decipher. In addition, many of united states of america entered nursing leadership with a promotion that made us leaders of the same group of people who were our peers. This is a hard transition and one that requires usa to undertake extra reflection about professionalism and boundaries. It's difficult to go from existence a friend and peer to being answerable for the performance of the section and the people working in it. Seek out a mentor who can help you navigate the transition and offer support.

Lead with your truth . If you need to have a difficult conversation, pb with the tough message and exist clear. Why? Considering even in challenging encounters you accept the opportunity to build trust. If you lead with small talk and gradually piece of work up to your existent message, the employee may worry that bad news is just effectually the corner during hereafter conversations. Don't equivocate and don't use the "compliment sandwich" method of giving feedback (sandwiching criticism between praise). Attempt saying, "We demand to take a hard conversation" or "There'southward something difficult I need to talk with yous about. I'chiliad concerned about the feedback I've been receiving from patients." Even in conveying a tough message, you can build trust by showing the employee that y'all'll be honest with him or her and share feedback openly.

Don't leave your employee guessing about the problem or what he or she needs to do to improve. Clearly state the performance gap; your expectations; why it matters; and the timeline for improvement, including when you'll round dorsum to ascertain improvement and requite a progress update. When employees don't hear from us near an issue, they may presume it's entirely resolved or no longer a problem, or they may worry needlessly. Bank check back after a tough conversation to update the employee on the progress you're seeing. Also provide back up and available resources to assist him or her brand the needed modify. A developmental action plan or other feedback tool is helpful to ensure clear communication.

Keep in mind that if you can't state the trouble in a few key phrases, yous're probably not set up for a difficult chat. Take the time you need to refine your message so the employee knows exactly what the business organization is.

Anticipate the reaction . Ane of the toughest things about managing difficult conversations is feeling unprepared and humble well-nigh how the employee volition reply when you address problematic behaviors. I've establish the most common negative reactions to be defensiveness, deflection, and deprival. Defensive comments may include, "No one's ever brought this to me earlier." Y'all can reply, "I'm invested in you and want to encounter you succeed. I owe information technology to you and our department to be transparent with yous and share these concerns." Deflection can take the form of an employee asking you why his or her coworker didn't directly bring up the business organisation. Ofttimes, it's because others are also intimidated by the situation to exist able to speak up. Your respond tin be, "Accountability between colleagues is always encouraged only as your leader, I owe information technology to you to share this feedback. Do you feel your colleagues perceive you as approachable and open to feedback?" Denial may include the employee refuting that the incident of concern e'er happened. Yous can calmly remind the employee that we ain others' perceptions of our behaviors and you lot desire to help him or her understand where some actions may exist giving people the wrong impression.

Of course, the employee'south reaction may be acceptance and even appreciation that you're willing to discuss the issue. No thing what the response, if you've taken the fourth dimension to prepare thoughtfully for a chat, yous can experience more than confident that you'll be prepared to manage the reaction.

Expect the all-time of people . In general, I've constitute that people know when you're sincerely in their corner. Having someone who believes the best about you and knows you can be even amend is an incredible motivator to change. Communicate confidence in your employee's want to be successful and reiterate your commitment to his or her growth. Expect the best and communicate that—yous'll exist surprised how frequently people volition rise to the occasion. Meaningful support and loftier expectations tin can be an inspiring combination. And when you lot encounter success, call information technology out, praise information technology, and provide positive reinforcement to help your employees proceed making needed changes.

Use your resource . Nursing has e'er been a teaching profession. We accept pride in sharing what nosotros know with others. Chances are, if you're struggling with a difficult employee situation, y'all have a peer who'due south dealt with a similar situation. Build your network of trusted advisers and be intentional almost seeking and sharing knowledge. Is at that place someone yous especially respect for his or her ability to atomic number 82 a variety of employees? Ask him or her to mentor you lot. Ask other leaders to assistance you run across bullheaded spots or develop talking points. Practice having difficult conversations with a willing peer and return the favor.

Don't forget about human resource and your organization's employee help plan. These departments have extensive expertise navigating difficult situations and tin can help leaders who proactively seek assistance, specially when the intent is to help a struggling employee. Through the years, I've found my partnerships with both of these teams to be invaluable.

Ask for feedback and mind . The leaders who I respect the well-nigh are constantly learning. They aren't afraid to enquire for feedback and they listen, not for what they expect to hear, but what's beingness said. Do yous want to grow in your ability to coach employees with difficult personalities? Inquire hard questions and mind openly and intently. If nosotros approach these situations with humility, and so we have nothing to lose when nosotros receive feedback on ways nosotros can improve. Consider asking a trusted mentor or peer the following questions: Can you help me think differently about this state of affairs? Would y'all help me practise this conversation? Would you exist willing to give me feedback about how I approached this tough state of affairs? Tin you help me see some blind spots I might have right at present? How practice you think my efforts are being perceived?

Nursing leadership requires wholeheartedness. We need to invest in ourselves and our own growth to serve others well. It'southward time well spent to learn new skills, add to communication tools, and process difficult conversations.

Exist clear about your mission and courageous enough to acknowledge when someone doesn't marshal with it . What if yous've poured all you accept into a difficult employee but aren't seeing the needed changes? You've given clear feedback, invested in his or her growth, offered support, and demonstrated consistency. You've sought wisdom from your resources and accepted feedback about your approach. Despite these efforts, it's axiomatic that your employee isn't interested in improving.

It's never pleasant to make a tough decision to place someone in the field of study process, terminate employment, or supersede a position. Just, ultimately, you may find that these actions are the advisable next steps given the coaching and accountability you've already implemented. If it's necessary to take these deportment, you tin can exercise so with the assurance that you've given the employee every opportunity to succeed.

Don't surrender . Not every employee volition capeesh your investment in them, but many volition. Perhaps you lot've been shaken past bad experiences in the by and grown doubtful about your power to motorbus employees successfully. This is a slap-up time to recommit yourself to the practices outlined in this article.

New tools for success

Ready aside the time you lot need to thoughtfully prepare for difficult conversations. Exist proactive by communicating clear expectations and recognizing expert piece of work. Remind yourself of the "why" and the importance for your squad and your patients that these negative behaviors don't go unaddressed. And don't become discouraged! Remember, nosotros're in this together.

INSTRUCTIONS Managing interpersonal conflict: Steps for success


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two. Brooks AMT, Polis North, Phillips Eastward. The new healthcare mural: confusing behaviors influence work environment, safety, and clinical outcomes. Nurse Leader. 2014;12(one):39–44.

3. Castronovo MA, Pullizzi A, Evans S. Nurse bullying: a review and a proposed solution. Nurs Outlook. 2016;64(3):208–214.

4. The Articulation Commission. Sentinel event alert, issue 40: behaviors that undermine a civilisation of safety. 2008. www.jointcommission.org/sentinel_event_alert_issue_40_behaviors_that_undermine_a_culture_of_safety.

5. Layne DM, Nemeth LS, Mueller M, et al. Negative behaviours in health care: prevalence and strategies. J Nurs Manag. 2018;27(1):154–160.

vi. Powers C, Normand Fifty, Whitcomb Thousand. Is clique behavior sabotaging your nursing team. Nurs Manage. 2014;45(xi):38–43.

7. Middaugh D. Only say yeah...no! Medsurg Nurs. 2018;27(iv):264–265.

8. Zadeh SE, Haussmann R, Barton CD. Healthcare gamble managers' consensus on the management of inappropriate behaviors amid infirmary staff. J Healthc Chance Manag. 2018;38(four):32–42.

Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


Source: https://journals.lww.com/nursingmanagement/fulltext/2019/06000/managing_interpersonal_conflict__steps_for_success.7.aspx

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